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Wilhelmsen Ships Equipment launches innovative System

Wilhelmsen Ships Equipment launches innovative System

Unitor Ballast Water Treatment System
Edition of November 15, 2010

The official launching in Chile of the system Unitor was carried out in the living room Covadonga of the Naval Club of Valparaíso. To the appointment marine authorities, managers and shipping high executives of the most important attended with Chilean flag. 

The company WSE that is part of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services, company of the important Group Wilh. Wilhelmsen, offers integral services of design, production, installation and setting goes of the Systems Unitor
The system is applicable for most of the ships and it is available in the whole range of the measures required in the commercial marine market. 

An efficient and effective system for the treatment of Water of Ballast of the ships rushed this week the company Wilhelmsen Ships Equipment (WSE), for South America. It is the System Unitor Ballast Water Treatment System (UBWTS) that offers unquestionable advantages as for size, design and energy consumption of the equipment. 

"The BWTS Unitor is a system of high quality with an unique range in the installation, operation and maintenance of the applications", Felipe affirmed this way it Mr. Coll, naval architect and manager of WSE who explained that besides the development of technologies guided to the environment WSE offers a complete service of engineering package in Safety of the ships that are the traditional Unitor products and retrofits the Naval Industry and Offshore Market. 

Normative IMO 

Mr. Coll explains that according to the International Marine Organization (IMO), one of the biggest threats for the oceans of the world is the invasion of aquatic species. Are the impacts of the contamination of the water of ballast so much ecological and economic. The results of the transfer of the water of ballast they have been observed in the entire world in the last decades.

Spineless introduced as the mussels, the jellyfishes and until bacteria that have traveled in the waters of ballast that were emptied in other marine ecosystems, they have changed the marine life drastically in the coastal waters. This in turn has had an effect economic negative on the fishing, the tourism, marine farms and other commercial activities. In front of this scenario the IMO did elaborate a new one normative, the one that will demand a reparation treatment for the Waters of previous Ballast to be emptied in the sea,

They are approximately 12 billion tons of water that they are transported around the world, but it is not only water, they are also transported near 4 thousand different marine species (as small sea foods, mussels, microorganisms, bacteria, etc.). When changing environment it breaks the natural balance and these species causing an important impact in the habitat. In front of this short term scenario it will begin to apply a law that will force to the ships to clean up the Water of Ballast before being emptied to the sea, to eliminate all the species and microorganisms that were transported under this system." 
Unitor System 

The treatment of water of ballast (Unitor BWTS) it was approved by IMO and with "Type Approval" of the flag, it is a totally on-line system that only requires treating the water of ballast in the entrance of the process. 

"With a very small size and of under energy consumption, the system is a solution flexible and economic point for the new systems like for the modifications of those already existent." 
BWTS Unitor combines the use of the cavitation, the sterilization, the ozone oxidation and the filtration to provide an equally efficient system in all the waters they are already fresh water or sea water. 

"The system is applicable for most of the ships and it is available in the whole range of the measures required in the commercial marine market. With the support of our global net in more than 2.200 ports of 116 countries, Unitor BWTS is a sure option for the useful life of the system on board its fleet." 

With regard to the installation Mr. Coll pointed out that it is completely on-line, what allows him to treat the total capacity of the bomb without dividing it in smaller parts. It is to modulate and scalable, with a reduced size, what allows a flexible and adaptive installation. "The fall of pressure won't have an impact in the size of the ballast pump and with low energy consumption it is not necessary to have additional auxiliary generators.


As for the operation the treatment of having ballasted and of low energy consumption that maintains a low consumption of fuel it allows to reduce the operation costs. 

"The system is completely automatic for an easy operation and all the information is controlled and registered. The system Unitor BWTS is not only a sure and economic option but rather also a solution real and friendly with the environment".

Standardized pieces, low consumption level, a standard offer of services of support allows to maintain low and controlled maintenance costs. 

"With the support of our global net, the time of delivery of spare parts is very short time and the readiness of the service is of good quality.

Also, the Unitor System sinks to the integral services in environment equipment that WSE offers in South America, where they stand out: Emission of air, Treatment of Water, Treatment of Garbage and Energy Efficiency.   

Michael Manley, boss of Sale and purchase of Ships Company South America of Vapors (CSAV):  "I found very interesting, because it is always necessary to be a day in these topics. I believe that it is worthwhile to be up-to-date and to be ahead for that reason to the different scenarios that will be presented, we are here for interiorizarnos on this new system, since finally all will have to incorporate a solution sooner or later to the Water of Ballast." 
Francisco López, manager of Logistics, Humboldt Shipmanagament:  "Without a doubt that it is interesting to be a day in all that is mainly related with the normative ones that we are imposed, because we are directly related with the administration of the ships and undoubtedly these aspects play us in a direct way and therefore to be early to what we will demand is an important aspect to be prepared." 
Commandant Luis Muñoz, CN, boss of the Service Marine Inspections, Directemar (Chile coast guard):  "It was very interesting because it illustrates us regarding the technological advances that are carrying out at world level. Inevitably the ships to operate need water of ballast and it is proven that it generates some difficulties in the marine ecosystems, therefore soon after this scenario the International Marine Organization (OMI) it has elaborated new normative that are in ratification process, and once they are approved they will be demands at world level and of course Chile won't be able to be to the margin." 

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