Sunday, February 23, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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Contractual Terms and Antiterrorist Measures


Contractual Terms and Antiterrorist Measures

Edition of February 12, 2007

It is important for firms which trade both nationally and internationally to be aware that the clauses of contracts, written and / or oral, should be considered regularly in case changes are necessary, which may also have an effect on insurance cover. New duties and rights imposed by non antiterrorist measures and antiterrorist measures also need constant review in this context.  

We have encountered a number of situations under which some terms in contracts are extremely burdensome through the operation of antiterrorist laws and measures. We have always maintained that if any industry has an unfair burden imposed on it, this results in parties operating in that industry having to deal with this burden and seek to create potentially unrealistic and unfair terms, in turn, in order to pass down the liability to their subcontractors. This, in turn, would mean that the unfairness would multiply its negative effect not just along the contractual chain but also potentially throughout the Commercial Network, thereby existing in a number of contracts at the same time. 

The United States, being one of, if not, the largest commercial partner in the world, has announced through a press release a new security measure named the Secure Freight Initiative. This initiative, according to the press release by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Energy (DOE), will involve “the development of a combination of existing technology and proven nuclear detection devices to six foreign ports: Port Qasim in Pakistan; Puerto Cortes in Honduras; Southampton in the United Kingdom; Port Salalah in Oman; Port of Singapore; and the Gamman Terminal at Port Busan in Korea.” The press release states that “we [DHS and DOE] will work with host governments to establish protocols that ensure a swift resolution by this host government and may include instructing carriers not to load the container until the risk is fully resolved” 


Commercial Framework: This new U.S. initiative would operate inside the Commercial Framework covering all the contracts which would have to be entered into in order to provide any product or raw materials and related services thereby creating the supply network (supply chain). Those parties affected by this initiative may have to consider the new duties that may rise under it, and also, if, as the result of new duties, new clauses in already existing contracts may have to be incorporated. Further consideration will have to be given to how any such changes may affect the insurance cover they have in place.

Legal Framework: Also, this initiative will have to operate inside the Legal Frame Work, which is formed by the laws which exist and regulate the Commercial Framework, depending on the relevant jurisdiction. The fact that the U.S initiative needs to operate under different jurisdictions raises the question of how this initiative will be governed by each law and whether new laws will be needed, and what these will be and whether they will be subject to attack for creating unfair burdens.

If contract terms are unfair, they may not be upheld under certain laws e.g. the European Unfair Contract Terms Regulations. If laws are unfair to start with, then any attempts by way of private contract to flow down liability to sub contracts may well be deemed unfair, so the only alternative is to question the legality of the law in terms of fairness by way of judicial review. 

Ports: These are a vital element for each economy around which the supply network centres. In our opinion, by creating a Convention which establishes the meaning of the supply network (supply chain), this would assist ports around the world in having to operate under less complex security measures and more balanced contracts. To work within a much clearer framework would ease the responsibilities which ports, and other transport sectors and hubs, operate under in terms of the threat of terrorism. For example, why does a container need to be scanned inside a port and not where it is loaded at the factory or farm? 

Cost and the threat of terrorism: It is a widely held opinion that the costs engendered by countering terrorism to commerce at large, is affected by the political interest of governments. What is important to consider is that the costs incurred under antiterrorist measures should respond to the actual and real threat of terrorism, and not political pressures, and should be born by the benefiting parties as a whole and not just one industry sector. 

The losses suffered by the air industry recently during the emergency alert at London airports show that under a severe threat, very heavy financial losses may be suffered by anyone operating from a transport hub. This also shows that those who maintain that any costs caused by implementing antiterrorist measures can be spread throughout the supply network without much negative effect may have to reconsider their views; lessons are still being learned as to the prohibitive financial effects of implementing security measures as shown by the London airport emergency alert.

Pysdens Solicitors

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