Saturday, March 29, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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UK P&I Club Guides Shipowners and Charterers on the Challenges of Green Shipping Regulations


UK P&I Club Guides Shipowners and Charterers on the Challenges of Green Shipping Regulations

Seminar Organized by One of the World’s Leading P&I Clubs Highlights the Importance of Dialogue on This Matter
Edition of March 25, 2025

On Tuesday, March 18, the seminar "Green Shipping: Opportunities and Challenges for Shipowners and Charterers, Practical Implications of Regulations and Contractual Clauses" was held at the Double Tree Hotel in Santiago, Chile. Organized by the UK P&I Club, the event not only delved into this crucial topic but also sought to strengthen connections between Club executives working in areas such as claims, risk underwriting, and charter party disputes, and key stakeholders in the Chilean maritime market. Participants shared insights and reflections on the current state and future of eco-friendly shipping.

Rafael A. Diaz-Oquendo, Regional Manager for Latin America at UK P&I Club, spearheaded the seminar and participated as a panelist. Speaking with MundoMaritimo, he explained that the UK P&I Club has members based in Chile and that "we aim to increase our presence in the country because we find it to be a highly sophisticated, well-qualified, and growing market."

Green Shipping: Regulatory Challenges

Regarding the topics discussed at the seminar, Diaz-Oquendo stated that the goal was to open the debate on green shipping, particularly the implications of MARPOL Annex VI, which addresses air pollution from ships. He noted that compliance with these regulations "will require the redesign of certain vessels and the implementation of new fuels to achieve zero emissions."

He highlighted that these new regulations present challenges for shipowners and charterers, as existing vessels must have been adapted since 2023 to meet technical requirements such as limiting the sulfur content in fuels or installing scrubbers. Furthermore, once these modifications are implemented, vessels must comply with efficiency indices aimed at progressively reducing sulfur emissions.

Additionally, Diaz-Oquendo warned that "new regulations may lead to disputes in charter party contracts. One key area of concern is ‘Speed and Performance’—the vessel’s speed and operational efficiency. Another potential issue is disagreements over deviations, among other challenges that have yet to materialize but are anticipated by the industry."

The Role of Insurance Brokers

Richard Adler, Chief Commercial Officer at Atlantic Insurance & Reinsurance Brokers and a panelist at the event, emphasized that in this evolving regulatory landscape, "as specialized marine insurance brokers, our role is to support and advise shipowners in their transition to reducing their carbon footprint." He also underscored the importance of industry-wide collaboration: "All stakeholders must be involved—not just the P&I Club and the shipowner, but also charterers, cargo and vessel brokers, and classification societies, which will ultimately give the green light to vessels using new technologies."

Uncertainty Regarding New Fuels

Kyle Lochridge, Senior Vice President at UK P&I Club, Americas, addressed the uncertainty among shipowners and charterers, particularly concerning which fuel options will become the standard during the maritime sector’s energy transition. "There is concern because they need to modify their vessels, which is both costly and complex, and as of now, no one knows which fuel type will dominate in the future," he noted.

Lochridge also highlighted the significant role that P&I Clubs will play in this transition by advising shipowners and charterers: "Our club has many engineers, and all P&I Clubs understand the different options available because we work with numerous companies worldwide. This allows us to assess which fuels are viable and why."

Ricardo Rozas, a partner at JJR Abogados and moderator of the seminar’s discussion panel, pointed out that from a global operational perspective, considering the lifespan of vessels, one of the main impacts of green shipping regulations on shipowners is that "if they do not prepare their fleets in time to transition to zero-emission fuels, they risk being pushed out of the market, potentially holding assets that cannot operate or that will have prohibitively high operating costs." He added that "despite existing deadlines and targets in this area, actions must be taken now."

Furthermore, Rozas stated that as regulatory implementation progresses, shipowners and charterers will need to revise their charter party contracts to avoid disputes. These may include issues related to vessel speed and performance, route changes to optimize weather conditions, adoption of just-in-time protocols, cargo-loading limitations, improved hull cleaning measures, and many other factors that will arise. "The key is to foster dialogue and raise awareness, even if all the answers are not yet available," he stressed.

On a positive note, he highlighted that "P&I Clubs are highly engaged with this issue, which means they are part of the solution rather than the problem. The UK P&I Club has demonstrated a strong commitment by organizing an event specifically for the Chilean industry, addressing a matter of present and future concern."

Notably, the seminar panel also featured UK P&I Club executives Ed Carlson, Senior Claims Executive, and Romano Leveroni, Charterers Underwriting Specialist.

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