Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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DP World Executives and Their Latin American Clients Celebrate Their Collaborative Work


DP World Executives and Their Latin American Clients Celebrate Their Collaborative Work

In Santiago, Chile, an After Office event was held where attendees shared and strengthened their connections
Edition of November 11, 2024

DP World Chile offered an enjoyable opportunity to establish and renew ties with its clients through an After Office event held on the terrace of the W Hotel in Santiago on the evening of November 6. On this occasion, company executives from both Chile and Latin America shared pleasant conversations and a cocktail, with the notable presence of Otto Bottger, Regional Commercial Vice President of DP World. Bottger explained to MundoMaritimo that this activity started informally in 2010 as a way to strengthen contacts between DP World executives and their clients. Over time, it became formalized, and the event now concludes a week of intensive work involving various executives from different areas of DP World across the region and meetings with all clients.

Bottger emphasized that the message intended to convey was, “Thank you for working with us. It’s an informal gesture of gratitude because not everything is about business; personal relationships and friendships in the shipping world have developed over decades, and at some point or another, we all know each other, and the idea is to maintain the networking.”

However, there was also time to analyze the current situation of the company in the region. Carlos Merino, CEO of DP World Peru and Ecuador, highlighted “the consolidation of Posorja as an important terminal within the west coast of the South Pacific. In fact, starting the second phase of construction of this terminal is also a very significant milestone, and we believe we will begin before the end of this year,” he anticipated.

“In the case of Peru, we inaugurated the Bicentennial Pier, which is an expansion of the south pier to over 2.5 million TEUs of capacity,” he highlighted, mentioning that “all the investments we have been making were done very responsibly and right on time because, in some way, they help provide more flexibility to our clients.

He also highlighted that DP World is not only a port operator but a logistics operator, and within this framework, freight forwarding activities have also been expanding in the region. “Our clients need much more. Therefore, two additional offices have been opened—and I am only talking about the Pacific coast—which are in Colombia and Panama. We believe they will greatly contribute to building the logistics and supply chain for our main clients,” he said.

Meanwhile, Curtis Doiron, CEO of DP World Chile, when referring to the company’s performance so far this year, said, “We benefited a bit from growth, which really is a sign that the economy is improving compared to last year.” He added that “the Central Bank has been quite clear that economic growth will remain between 2% and 3% in the coming years, which aligns with our expectations.”

Beyond this, he emphasized that “our priorities continue to be reliability, customer service, and managing bottlenecks.” In this regard, he highlighted that “a key investment and project we are working closely on with the Port Authority of San Antonio is the Barrancas Intermodal Terminal. When completed in the fourth quarter of 2026, it will handle 250,000 TEUs per year, which is significant, as current intermodal capacity is approximately 1/4 of that.”

He added, “We are very optimistic about these investments and also about solving the reliability challenges we have to increase port availability.” He stressed that “ultimately, what we want is to improve cargo flow through the ports we operate.”

Meanwhile, Matías Laso, Commercial Director of DP World Chile, highlighted that “in terms of port closures, we have made very important advances and hope to continue progressing. Our MoorMaster system, inaugurated recently [June 2024] at DP World San Antonio, has proven to be a great advantage.”

He elaborated, “It has worked incredibly well; since we installed it, we haven’t had spy cuts, which happens when the ship moves due to the tides, causing the mooring lines to break at the port. This is a significant advance in terms of safety, and consequently, we have seen productivity improvements.”

Finally, he added that the challenge for both DP World San Antonio and DP World Lirquén next year is “to continue growing with our clients, keep supporting them, and attract new services.” He emphasized, “What we can offer is, first and foremost, a better condition than we previously had regarding port closures. Additionally, the attraction is that we have available capacity to continue growing, unlike other terminals.”

By Mundo Marítimo

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