The Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), a non-profit organization founded in 2019 by major shipping lines representing 70% of global containerized trade, aims to prepare a foundation for the digitalization container shipping -through setting the standards. MundoMaritimo spoke exclusively with Kristina Jumelet, Program Manager for Vessel Schedules & Operations at DCSA, who discussed the association's mission, challenges, and outlook on the digitalization landscape in Latin America.
“We started DCSA five years ago, and while we’ve achieved a lot, there is still much work ahead to digitalize and standardize. We’ve made progress on critical issues like data exchange for schedules, port call planning, and shipment tracking. On the documentation side, we are actively promoting the adoption of electronic Bills of Lading (eBL). Notably, all our member CEOs—including those from Maersk, MSC, and Hapag-Lloyd, among others—have committed to fully transitioning to electronic eBLs by 2030. This is a major milestone, and we are excited to continue our work. We play a crucial role in this standardization effort and are looking forward to further collaborating with our industry partners in the years to come,” Jumelet explained.
The same considerations apply to data exchanges for port call planning. “The challenge is that there’s a strong focus on making shipping lines more efficient. Why? Because there’s also a green agenda; we need to acknowledge the need to reduce emissions from shipping sector. Digitalization is one of many pillars here, and the same goes for terminal and ports. There’s a lot of global pressure and goes hand by hand with a necessity to become more efficient for each of stakeholder” she added.
In this regard, Jumelet emphasized that the broader strategy aligns with digitalization. “Once you start innovating and optimizing, there’s no turning back. Things have been the same for over 50 years, and they need to change—they need a new, more efficient process,” she said.
Jumelet pointed out that while we can communicate seamlessly via mobile applications, the shipping industry has lagged behind for a long time. “Now we are seeing faster acceleration each year, with more participants, projects, efforts, and investments being channeled into digitalization. That’s where standards play a crucial role; if everyone does their own thing, a global standard can’t be achieved. We are talking about connecting the parts,” she said, stressing that “bilateral connections between two parties are not enough; the entire ecosystem needs to be connected.”
Focus on Latin America
Regarding DCSA’s interaction with Latin America, Jumelet highlighted that “we are a global organization, and we are setting standards for everyone to use. Latin America is also a huge and very important market for a container shipping, and all of DCSA members have business presence here and there are many parties who can benefit from DCSA standards.”
She explained that while major players—such as DCSA's members—are leading efforts to digitalize and standardize data flows this does not exclude smaller maritime operators. “In order to really drive adoption of standards we work also with other stakeholders to help implementation to accelerate, for example, feeder operators or terminal operators, TOS providers etc., but are interested in using these standards in their solutions, systems, and platforms. This is something we welcome, and the same applies to parties in Latin America”, she stated.
When it comes to terminals, Jumelet noted the presence of global operators in the region. “At TOC Americas, I had productive discussions with PSA Panama, a local terminal in Colón [CCT], as well as with Hutchison terminal. We focus on building strong partnership with global terminals operators around the world. We’ve tested standards with PSA in Singapore, Antwerp, and we can do the same with PSA Panama or other terminals across Latin America, including APMT, Hutchison, DP World... we don’t differentiate; we are open to all in order to get standards globally adopted,” she emphasized.
Jumelet stressed that “we have interest to collaborate and support implementation of standards in any port which is willing to implement this work earlier and faster. We’ve done the same with the Port of Hamburg, Port of Singapore, and many others.”
She also observed that many ports in the region are making significant investments to comply with environmental regulations. “I believe digital efforts will accelerate right after these investments because, first, terminals are expanded, and then—even now, some are already doing it—they consider how to connect the port, which systems to use, and what standards, platforms, or software could be adopted,” she said.
“We will see a faster acceleration of these efforts in all the hubs,” Jumelet projected.
Finally, she noted that “of course, major ports are often leading the way because they have the resources to invest in these projects and adapt their systems faster. However, we see a lot of passion and interest from medium and even smaller terminals and ports as well, and they might have usually higher level of flexibility.”
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