Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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EXPO LOGISTICA 2024: Specialists addressed advances and trends in the sector at Specialized Congress


EXPO LOGISTICA 2024: Specialists addressed advances and trends in the sector at Specialized Congress

Topics such as nearshoring and advances in free trade zones were presented by more than 20 speakers from different countries in the region
Edition of March 11, 2024

The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP) together with the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT), within the framework of EXPO LOGISTICA 2024, organized the First Specialized Logistics Congress entitled "Re-globalization and its impact on the cross-border movement of goods". 

According to SENACYT's national secretary, Eduardo Ortega, the primary objective of this congress was to promote dialogue and the exchange of ideas. "It is vital to generate discussion among members of the sector to learn about the main advances and trends and thus be able to design proposals and improvement projects to continue positioning Panama as a country with logistics potential for national and international companies and to update the professional public through the transfer of knowledge on logistics-related topics," he said. 

Manuel José Paredes, former Vice Minister of Commerce and Industries and President of the Organizing Committee of EXPO LOGISTICA, pointed out that "the subject matter is extremely relevant: nearshoring, artificial intelligence, infrastructure, free trade zones, among others. There is no doubt that the world is changing and is undergoing a transformation that has revolutionized the exchange of goods and how the market reacts to these changes, therefore, all of the aforementioned issues become relevant for companies".  

Foreign Investment Overview

The keynote speaker, Martin Ibarra, former president of the Free Zones Association of the Americas, vice president of the World Free Zones Organization (WFZO) and expert in Nearshoring identified the weaknesses and strengths of international trade in his presentation "Panorama of foreign investments in foreign trade, its challenges and opportunities".

He pointed out "that today, we are living important facts at the time that are altering international trade in the region: the trade war between the United States and China, the pandemic of COVID-19, which slowed the trade flows of goods and services, explosion of cross-border e-commerce, the sustainability of world trade, the Russia-Ukraine war, the Red Sea crisis and the Suez Canal".

All these events have a direct impact on the behavior of international trade. In terms of sustainability, Latin America and the Caribbean are already suffering from the effects of global warming. Ibarra assures that "the reduction of this footprint can be an opportunity to make the region's exports more competitive, especially in the food sector".  The new renewable energies do not travel, and the production processes will have to be transferred to their source.

 He also affirms "that a large part of nearshoring will not only have to be suppliers that are close [geographically], but they will have to be suppliers with renewable energies".  

 Regarding Panama, he made a series of recommendations and strategies to expand its opportunities:

  • Make better use of the free trade agreement with the United States and the opportunities that the American market provides.
  • Take cross-border e-commerce seriously with the new Tocumen free trade zone.
  • Complement future Canal traffic with oil pipelines, gas pipelines and more railroads in parallel.
  • Through green and blue hydrogen, Panama could supply fuel for ships transiting the canal or calling at Panamanian ports.
  • Panama has the cheapest air freight in the world to the United States, a great opportunity to attract companies that produce, or export via air.

Artificial Intelligence

Regarding the presentation "Transforming the supply chain" by Benjamin Brunet Munnich, associate partner at McKinsey & Company, he highlighted the idea that "artificial intelligence and advanced analytics are radically transforming the logistics sector. These technologies are driving operational efficiency, reducing costs and improving strategic decision-making. "The challenge is how to use these tools and make them part of the companies' DNA". 

Machine Learning techniques have enabled a new horizon for demand forecasting and accuracy. Generative Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized the way large supply chains are conducted. He emphasized that "in order to have an effective and successful transition to digitalization it is fundamental to have the appropriate foundations, to have basic processes cemented as well as analog processes that allow continuous improvement". 

Free Trade Zones

In the conference entitled "Infrastructure and Technology: Trends in Latin American Free Zones" presented by Sebastian Arango, member of the Panama Free Zones Association (AZOFRAP), four fundamental aspects for free zones were identified: artificial intelligence, value infrastructure, technological innovation and connectivity and market. 

"There has been a regeneration of free zone regimes in all Latin American countries, which have adapted and adjusted to new realities to increase competitiveness and Panama is one of the most important countries in this area," said Sebastian Arango. 

In recent years, Latin America's participation has increased with 705 free trade zones that generate around 2.7 million direct and indirect jobs and it is presumed that the jobs generated by these companies in these areas are specialized, a factor that translates into a better salary. 

In short, this Congress became a meeting point for professionals eager for information and knowledge and visionary entrepreneurs from different parts of the region.

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