Tuesday, May 14, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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Investment, Training, and Coordination Among the Region's Countries are Key to a Net-Zero Future


Investment, Training, and Coordination Among the Region's Countries are Key to a Net-Zero Future

IMO maritime forum highlights representatives' commitment to driving a new decarbonization strategy
Edition of September 04, 2023

During the second day of the forum, "Implementation of the IMO Strategy for the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the Identification and Promotion of Investment Opportunities," it was discussed that financial institutions and private organizations must invest to meet short, medium, and long-term net-zero targets.

In addition, the advances and projects that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has been pushing since 2020 to promote decarbonization in maritime transportation through its support and training for regional countries were presented.

Decarbonization Financing

Having the support of international financial institutions as well as private entities investing in maritime transport's green future is essential to meeting the goals set by international organizations.

Funds are required for the production of renewable fuels, personnel training, and the development of port infrastructure that supports new sustainability policies.

The Customer as a Catalyst for Decarbonization

Alexis Rodríguez, Maersk's Regional Energy Transition Coordinator for Latin America, spoke on this topic, stating that to achieve the group's goal of reducing its emissions by 50% by 2030, 25% of cargo must be transported using clean fuels.

"Regarding renewable energies in the region, we have a competitive advantage in the development of green fuels. We must continue working to leverage investments that lead to sustainability, delivering added value to consumers. Ultimately, the customer is the catalyst for decarbonization," said Rodríguez.

Currently, Maersk has 25 orders for ships powered by methanol. The first vessel of this type was commissioned in 2021 and began its journey from South Korea to Europe in mid-July of this year.

It is projected that the global order book for methanol-powered container ships will increase to more than 100 vessels, according to DNV data.

BID Commits $5 Billion to Climate Action

Roberto Aiello, Principal Regional Energy Specialist of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), stated that in the coming years, the demand for renewable energies and alternative fuels will be massive.

Between 2020 and 2023, the IDB committed that 30% of its investment would be directed toward climate action. This year, they renewed that goal, projecting $5 billion annually to support environmental protection.

Regarding private entity investment, Aiello noted that "if regulatory mechanisms and clear rules are established, the private sector will come."

IMO Support for Regional Countries

During the final presentation, IMO representatives addressed the advances and projects developed since 2020, when the new decarbonization strategy was published, and it provided an opportunity to discuss ways to improve in the short term.

With the strategy change involving training, consultancy, technical assistance, and strong monitoring, all maritime administrations have obtained approval for their local decarbonization strategies, and monitoring indicates significant progress in the region.


At the end of the two days of panels and debates, representatives from the 18 attending countries highlighted Latin America's potential for the development of renewable energies.

Daniel Barcarolo, Head of Regulation and Standards at the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping spoke exclusively with MundoMarítimo about his impressions. "I believe there is a strong interest from all states in seizing decarbonization opportunities. I was pleased to hear that there are initiatives for hydrogen development at the local level. I see a lot of potential in Latin America, especially in producing the sustainable fuels that shipping will need."

It was concluded that to achieve the above, synergy is necessary between the maritime and energy sectors in the region, as well as the commitment of private entities and financial institutions to invest in the entire logistics chain involving maritime transport. This includes the development of alternative fuels, the construction of new infrastructure, digital experimentation, and training.

In this regard, Arsenio Domínguez, Director of the IMO Marine Environment Division and current Secretary-General-Elect of the organization, highlighted in his closing speech that "decarbonization will require medium and long-term measures, both technical and economic, to achieve the objectives we adopted in the 2023 Strategy. It's not an easy task, but I am confident that together we will be able to carry it out in an equitable manner."

By MundoMaritimo

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