Surface cargo transportation is a vital link in the South American logistics chain in which C.H. Robinson made its appearance more than twenty years ago by arranging for shipments for its customers over the road. C.H. Robinson selects qualified suppliers to meet the needs of its customers, initiating a strong and recognized presence on the continent that is integrated into its maritime, trucking and air services. This was reported by Ezequiel Blumtritt, the company's Trucking Director for South America, who, in a conversation with MundoMarítimo, referred to the company's current service offering in this area and its challenges.
“As a someone who arranges over the road surface transportation, we are in charge of land logistics services, that is to say: FTL (full-truckload) trucks, LTL (less-than-truckload), vans, last mile, etc. Our fundamental scope is arranging road transport and storage, which includes a series of domestic subservices such as palletized, refrigerated, and bulk cargo for different industries such as agriculture, food, and paper, among others," Blumtritt details. In addition, he explains that this model gives the company great flexibility in the arrangement of types of transport that allows it to make deliveries of large volumes up to small packages of one kilo.
Of course, time has passed and others have emerged as is the case of the new 100% digital players who are trying to establish themselves in the industry. However, this model does not work well for many companies, especially smaller enterprises which is concerning considering "on average throughout the region, including the US, 80% of the volume of trucks corresponds to companies that have one to five units," Blumtritt points out. C.H. Robinson’s operating model, which combines proprietary technology built by and for supply chain experts with their scale, people, and global suite of services, helps create better outcomes for shippers across large to small enterprises.
Maintaining a strong carrier network is a vital part of a supply chain’s success, C.H. Robinson has a strong emphasis on providing services and benefits to carriers: “we have a school scholarship program available that we offer to the dependents of our carriers; quickpay systems that operate faster than banks, access to advances so that the transport provider can meet their fuel expenses or other expenses of the trip”. However, Blumtritt points out that the main advantage that the company offers the independent carrier is in the field of business. This is "the possibility of serving a large number of large companies that, individually, they may not have been able to access."
However, not opting for 100% digital does not mean an absolute avoidance from this field, but rather a realization to maximize resources available to us. In fact - he explains - customers demand a platform in this area where they can track their cargo, know that it is on time and form, in addition to having enough information to calculate their KPIs, EPI indicators and streamline costs. “Together with the client, we define what their critical success factors are, and based on this, we arrange the most suitable carrier for the business requirements. Just as some need a better price, others need great precision in delivery time”, he says.
But all this work that requires great dynamism and precision both in its planning and in its execution is based on the philosophy of C.H Robinson that we not only transport cargo or a container, but also mobilize the fruit of the work and the dreams of many people. C.H. Robinson also understands the needs of the drivers and the inconveniences they may suffer while on the road.
With these principles in their DNA, the goal of the surface trans service line at C.H. Robinson in South America is to exceed 100,000 shipments (currently it accounts for 50,000 per year), in addition to developing other services such as last-mile services and e-commerce; in which C.H. Robinson hopes to acquire the same reputation that it already has in the agriculture, food and technology sectors, where it collaborates with the largest companies on the continent. “We are very good in FTL, in containers, in project loads, and we see the opportunity to grow/strengthen our LTL and cross border services” Blumtritt.
However, he points out that the biggest challenges for surface transport has to do with achieving greater flexibility, necessary to adapt to the evolution of the unique characteristics of the different markets in the region. Blumtritt indicates that Chile, for example, "was a very quiet market, but now additional technology is required, such as active monitoring of trucks and cargo."
Currently, C.H. Robinson has its own offices in 6 South American countries: Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. In addition, it has exclusive agents in different countries of the region that account for the company's 25-year solid track record in the region, a track record that, in turn, is a sample that it will continue to provide its already recognized services for a long time to come. and developing new ones as the different markets evolve. “We look forward to serving our customers and carriers for many more years”, concludes Ezequiel Blumtritt.
By MundoMaritimo
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