Saturday, March 15, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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MundoMaritimo #20years: two decades creating opinion in the Latin American industry


MundoMaritimo #20years: two decades creating opinion in the Latin American industry

Events, articles, stories, webinars among most highlighted editorial content
Edition of March 14, 2022

It was 2002 when MundoMaritimo began, with the purpose of informing and connecting the maritime and port community of the Latin American region. What started as a shy newsletter didn’t take long to attract the interest of readers eager to find in one place the content they were longing for. Since then, MundoMaritimo has followed closely the industry players, creating bonds that have lasted for two decades, and feeling closely the informative and networking needs that are crucial for decision making.

 For the industry

“When we started MundoMaritimo, we knew that there was space for an unfulfilled informative need, that involved making visible the relevant aspects for each area, using the technical language and understanding what matter to each sector,” says Claudia Magna, Directing Partner & Founder. Thus, and thanks to a constant flow of carefully selected news from local and regional media, MundoMaritimo began to build its own content guidelines, leading to interviews and articles, with a focus especially designed to raise issues with purpose and added value.

Professionals and experts

Along with the permanent staff of professionals, MundoMaritimo is supported by specialists in different areas, who share their analysis to enrich the content offer by providing exclusive insights for the benefit of the community. “We make sure to provide tools for our team of professionals, so that they can have deep context knowledge about the problems that affect each area, as to have a broad vision and address the issues from different perspectives, always with a value proposition for our readers’ decision-making process,” adds Magna.

Of its 20-year history, journalist Barbara Salgado has been a part of the team for 12 years and is currently International Content Editor based in the United States, while journalist Luis Castillo has been Editor since 2012. The team is also composed by writers, webmaster, and designer, who in all produce the written and graphic material and the technical support that is the vehicle through which contents reach the community.

Expanding horizons

In parallel to the efforts of constructing a carefully crafted editorial guideline, at end-2002 begins the relationship with Informa Group, first by representing Lloyd’s List and later with TOC Events in 2004, officially consolidating the entry into the world of events with the TOC Americas conference, the most important networking event for the industry in the Latin American region. Coordinating the event allowed for the creation of important business ties with port authorities, terminal operators, carrier and cargo owner executives, from retail representatives to fruits and raw materials, creating a network of contacts and relationships with the players of the supply chain across Latin America. And not just actors directly related to import and export activities, but also services and equipment providers, who have proven to be an essential part of the digital transition and modernization of an industry that has seen great advances and synergies with the adoption of technologies. “Being representatives of TOC Americas not only has allowed us to consolidate our presence on a regional scale but has also opened a door so that the players can interact with each other and create their own network beyond business interests. Being part of TOC Americas for 18 years has allowed us to actively participate in the construction of the logistics community, giving international visibility to the Latin American reality and giving it its rightful place in the relevance of the global industry,” says Víctor Gallardo, Managing Director.

Among the other activities that complement the offer of products and services that MundoMaritimo delivers to the regional maritime, port & logistics community, it represents Cargo Systems since 2005, and World Cargo News since 2014. Also, through the years, MundoMaritimo has diversified its services, adding representation of several foreign companies in the region, as a direct result of their trust in MundoMaritimo’s credibility and knowledge of the sector. The most recent alliance was sealed in February 2022, achieving a strategic agreement with the International Association of Ports and Harbors IAPH, for the co-organization of a regional workshop to raise the issues to discuss in-depth at the upcoming World Ports Conference in May.

Logistics evolution

In its 20 years, MundoMaritimo has followed closely the evolution of the supply chain and maritime transport & logistics. Two decades ago, each area of the industry – ports, container carriers, bulk carriers, tankers, forwards, BCOs, etc – worked as independent silos, without any kind of connection between each other, even though the logistics operation includes a close coordination of all these factors. In 20 years, MundoMaritimo has witnessed –and reported on— the news that have changed the landscape of the international industry, such as the bankruptcy of the Chinese carrier Hanjin in 2016, which was the starting point of the reconfiguration of the worlds carriers into great alliances, the technological evolution of the industry, the growth of regional economy, the adoption of the IMO2020 norm and, most recently, the effects of the pandemic and other disruptive events that have put international focus on the supply chain on a global scale.

In its 20th anniversary, MundoMaritimo thanks its partners, sponsors, readers, subscribers, clients, and collaborators, all of whom are a key part of a community that knows no physical boundaries and where everyone is instrumental in the symphony that is the supply chain.

By MundoMaritimo

Políticas de Privacidad

La política que en el presente documento se indica, tiene por objeto informar a los usuarios de MundoMaritimo sobre el proceder de nuestra empresa respecto del tratamiento de los datos de carácter personal recogidos a través de nuestros portales.

1 | Recolección:

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Para qué se utiliza la información recolectada.

Toda la información recolectada de los usuarios en MundoMaritimo tiene por objetivo:

(1) Brindar servicios, contenidos y publicidad personalizada al usuario en su navegación por los portales de MundoMaritimo

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Nuestra política respecto de los datos recogidos es la siguiente:

La responsabilidad por la veracidad de los datos recogidos por esta vía, es exclusiva del usuario.

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4. Calidad:

Sin perjuicio de las responsabilidades que al usuario le corresponden, MundoMaritimo tendrá especial cuidado al recolectar, mantener, usar, publicar o distribuir la información personal vinculada a los usuarios y visitantes, verificando que los datos sean correctos, completos y adecuados para cumplir con los fines para los que serán utilizados.

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En todo caso, y como medida de seguridad, MundoMaritimo se reserva el derecho de verificar la autenticidad de la comunicación.

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MundoMaritimo, como norma general, no transferirá, cederá, venderá o de otra manera proveerá sus datos de carácter personal a persona alguna. MundoMaritimo podría transferir, revelar o ceder los datos recopilados a sus usuarios, a terceros de acuerdo a las siguientes circunstancias:

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8. Servicios prestados por terceras empresas en el sitio:

Eventualmente, MundoMaritimo, puede contratar los servicios de empresas externas, con el fin de entregar nuevos servicios y productos a través de este sitio web. La información recabada en su caso por dichas empresas, se regirá por el acuerdo del usuario de la misma.

Si tiene alguna duda o pregunta sobre nuestra política de privacidad, le rogamos contactarse a [email protected]

9. Publicidad asociada

Respecto a los servicios de anuncios publicitarios o información promocional, con el objeto de presentarle servicios asociados que puedan ser de su interés, tenemos vínculos con otras compañías a las que permitimos colocar publicidad en nuestras páginas. Estas compañías podrían individualmente solicitar su información directamente con usted, siendo exclusiva responsabilidad de ellas el manejo y manipulación de esta información.

Finalmente, MundoMaritimo no garantiza la privacidad de la información personal del usuario, si éste suministra o difunde información en guías telefónicas públicas, reportajes de prensa, publicaciones, zonas de chateo, boletines u otras similares. Dicha información podrá ser recopilada por terceros, con o sin su consentimiento. El usuario revela esa información bajo su responsabilidad.