Saturday, March 22, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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El Salvador ports evaluate extra-port businesses in light of bidding process


El Salvador ports evaluate extra-port businesses in light of bidding process

CEPA presented Master Plan for developing port of La Unión
Edition of January 29, 2021

With or without pandemic the development of infrastructure in a country must always be a priority and the Salvadorian government is doing just that with the Cuscatlán Plan, which focuses its efforts on the issue of higher competitiveness. As part of the imminent bidding process for the port of La Unión’s concession - to be led by UNDP- the Autonomous Executive Port Commission (CEPA) of El Salvador has developed a “Master Plan for the development of the ports of El Salvador 2020-2030 and the feasibility of the new business models for the extra-port zones of the port of La Unión” to detect the businesses that can be developed in parallel and to complement the port activity and add to the port’s competitiveness.

The Salvadorian agency commissioned studies to international consulting firms with the purpose of “establishing the objectives and strategies for developing the ports of Acajutla and La Unión, as ports that integrate the commercial port system for the maritime management of products and the transport of persons within El Salvador and between the country and other international ports,” says Federico Anliker, President CEPA and moderator for the session where as well as the advisors that presented their results Georgiana Braga, resident representative UNDP El Salvador commented on the work done jointly with CEPA to develop the Master Plan presented and thus “boost the economic growth of El Salvador.”


Jointly developed by Empresa Multimodal S.A.S. y Maritime & Logistics Consulting Group S.A., the feasibility study for the maintenance and repair shipyard in the extra-port zone (ZEP) of the port of La Unión Centroamericana is a viable activity for the 2020-2030 period. “The scenario for the business is ideal: there is a high presence of fish boats and tugboats, which represents a universe of a little over 1,500 vessels that would benefit from a maintenance and repair service, especially considering the scarce offer of shipyards in the Pacific Coast, specifically between Panama and Guaymas (Mexico),” says Oscar Humberto Medina, Partner Empresa Multimodal S.A.S. and the executive in charge of presenting the findings of the shipyard study. “The port of La Unión has great benefits for developing a shipyard business, considering its strategic geographic location, the technical level of manpower, innovation and technological level of the shipyard, the incentives for investors, among other points in favor,” says the executive. Developing a shipyard would require an investment in infrastructure of some US$8.1 million, while an additional US$6.4 million would be necessary for equipment, thus generating some 500 job posts -direct and indirect- during an approximate time period of 23 years, which makes it a viable business on a technical, legal and financial level.

Tourism business

Tourism = cruise ships. At least that is the bet for developing this business line in the port of La Unión. It would require an investment in the nearby touristic commercial area of the port of La Unión, highlighting the image of the city and improving the population’s access to the sea. “In order to develop this business it would require the construction of a boardwalk in the study zone to attract tourism, the investment, and employment, taking into account that the surrounding land is government property,” says Oscar Blanco, a consultant at Hidria Ciencia, Ambiente y Desarrollo S.L., who highlights that investing in these types of ‘supporting’ businesses for the tourism industry, it

would, in turn, benefit the urban area as it could develop three great areas related to tourism: tour operators, nautical sports, and yacht marina, where higher passenger traffic pouring from cruise ships would be the key driver for these business lines.

Aquaculture business and fish production

The Master Plan promotes boosting fishing activities in the adjacent areas to the port of La Unión. According to the study by Instituto para el Crecimiento Sostenible de la Empresa S.L. – ICSEM and the findings presented by Yolanda Morales, developing industrial fishing activity is feasible. “The artisanal fishing sector is strongly represented with nearly 20 thousand fishermen. Therefore, in order to develop the ‘Collection, processing and commercialization center for fresh, dry-sealed and frozen fishing and aquaculture products’ in the port of La Unión in El Salvador, which looks to boost sustainable development of fishing and aquaculture through the generation of value to the products extracted from the Gulf of Fonseca, it would require the participation of the fishing and aquacultural associations as promoters of the initiative,” says Morales. For developing the project, experts recommend the internationalization of the product (export), investing in the legal requirements to comply with international standards. “Aside from the legal proceedings for exporting, it is key to consider a legal focus in the activity itself, including sustainability and responsible management of resources,” adds the ICSEM executive.

Federico Anliker, President CEPA, assures that during 2021 the bidding rules will be elaborated with the support of an international company which will be selected through a process led by UNDP, to later call to a public call for tenders for the concession of the port of La Unión.

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