Trying to come up with a standard of performance for ocean container carriers is almost impossible. There are many factors that determine a ship’s performance and even the same ship can vary its performance depending on the routes and ports involved. Nevertheless, the “Ship Turnaround Times in Port: Comparative Analysis of Ocean Container Carriers” report from Canada’s Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation CIRRELT, by Claude Comtois & Brian Slack, seems to have developed a way to identify a standard of performance independent of overall port activity.
“A wide range of scores are indicated, with several carriers recording much longer relative ATT (average turnaround times) scores overall, including CMA-GGM, APL and UASC while Evergreen, Yang Ming and Maersk record the lowest (and best) scores. The results suggest that carriers have a role to play in in port turnaround times. Two factors are examined: on-time arrivals and ship stowage plans. The results of the analysis are used to assess the recent round of restructuring of the global shipping alliances and the extent to which the partnerships reflect differences in ATTs,” reads the abstract.
Determining the difference
The paper seeks to “extend and deepen understanding of ships time in port by considering additional factors that influence ATTs. The length of time ships spend in port tends to be seen as an outcome of port operational problems, but the shipping lines themselves may play a role in explaining in ATTs.” So, the document proposes two questions to help uncover the underlying truth: to what extent do the ATTs of carriers differ? Are there differences between specific ports of call or across the spectrum of service calls?
The study detected important differences between the ATTs of individual ports, as well as “indisputable evidence” of differences between the carriers. Since there are so many factors to consider in order to make a fair analysis and comparison, to calculate the score the ATT of each carrier in each port was compared with the overall port ATT: The results produced either a positive or negative score, with a positive value indicating that the carrier spends less time in the port that than is average for the port.
Top scores
The results revealed that there are important differences between the shipping lines, with the best performer being Evergreen and OOCL the worst, representing a mean relative time difference of 120 hours. “There appear to be several classes of performance, with OOCL, CMA-CGM, and APL representing a group with the negative mean time differences in excess of 45 hours. Four other carriers recorded negative values: CSCL, Hanjin, HMM and NYK, but their performance is not as poor as the previously-mentioned carriers. Ten of the 18 carriers recorded positive levels of performance, but here again there are differences, with COSCO, Hamburg Sud, K-Line, MSC and Zim all recording positive values, but less than 35 hours above average. Evergreen, Hapag Lloyd, Maersk, MOL and Yang Ming are revealed as a group with the best performance,” reads the paper.
Not just a port problem
The research confirms that some carriers have longer turnaround times than others, suggesting that this score is not due entirely to problems in the port: lower STS crane efficiencies, labour issues, congestion in the terminals and at the gate entrances etc. If this were the case there would be narrower differences overall between carrier performance across the spectrum of ports. “It must be concluded that carriers themselves are partly responsible for the differences. For example, while it is known that weather and delays in a previous port of call affect the punctuality of vessel arrivals, there are differences between the carriers in their responses to these service interruptions,” reveals the study.
The paper concludes by stating that “clearly there is a need to explore further the relationships with quantitative testing and other forms of analysis (…).”
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