Sunday, December 22, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
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ONE in Latin America: Much more than a simple sum of parts


ONE in Latin America: Much more than a simple sum of parts

LAWC VP Paulo Biazotti evaluates the shipping line in its first year
Edition of April 25, 2019

Only one year ago, the traditionally rival Japanese shipping lines “K” Line, MOL and NYK integrated their services to create the Ocean Network Express (ONE), leaving behind a history of intense competition and begin an era of collaboration. “The past is in the past. When you walk through the offices you can feel the staff’s commitment to ONE and it is a very real thing, not only in Chile, but on a global scale,” comments in exclusive to MundoMaritimo Paulo Biazotti, ONE LAWC VP at the company’s Santiago office.

The executive says that the fusion process in the region was smooth: “the three lines had very similar operation processes in Latin America. They all had relevant historical presence, were well known and the market reacted very well to it,” as well as highlighting that the common value among the companies played well in favour of the synergy process: “there was already a synergy in terms of client-orientation by the three companies, so it was just a matter of joining forces and pointing in the same direction.”

Biazotti’ s 1-year evaluation is just as positive: “it was a very positive year for us. As a global goal, our intention was to keep the client base between the three shipping lines, and we managed to achieve this result”. He further adds “now we have a situation of complete normalcy in terms of attention and service quality.”

As far as perspectives for ONE in the region for the second year Biazotti says that “we do not have great changes in our services planned, we have stability and our intention is to keep our presence and expand it as much as possible,” in a defiant global economic context that the new shipping line looks to face by “investing in human resources and technology so that we may have the ability to react in the event of any macroeconomic change. We are very confident that our adaptation capabilities will be sufficient.”

ONE in the Latam west coast

According to Biazotti, currently, ONE has a network of three direct services connecting to Asia, where they have partnered with Hapag Lloyd and MSC, with ships of 6,300-10,000 TEU. They also have a service which operates in Central America that connects to the United States with 2,600 TEU vessels and a slot charter for Peru and Ecuador with spaces purchased on a feeder service. In the services that pass-through Panama there are synergies with THE Alliance, the strategic partnership with Hapag Lloyd and Yang Ming.

For the moment, the executive says that there are no plans to incorporate new ships and that the company is alert for any opportunity of expansion in terms of cargo. The largest markets for ONE in the west coast of Latin America are Chile, Peru and Mexico. Throughout this coast, the shipping line is involved in the import of all kinds of products made in Asia, as well as exporting traditional regional products.

Biazotti highlights the high participation in the Chilean salmon industry, as a legacy of the three Japanese companies, as well as increasing participation in the fruit export market with the “Cherry Express”, service shared with Hapag Lloyd. “It was very interesting; we were able to use our global fruit transport expertise and were able to achieve the expected results.”

IMO 2020

In relation to the preparation for the IMO 2020 regulation, Biazotti says that the process is relevant on a global level, not just for the large routes of the northern hemisphere, and is confident about the shipping line’s strategy: “As ONE we already have a plan, it is largely defined and we don’t have great concerns. It is a process of adaptation and I believe that we are ready to react accordingly.”

“For us the main form of adaptation is to use hybrid fuels that comply with IMO 2020,” However, other options are not completely discarded: “(installing scrubbers) depends very much on the design of the vessel, and time for adaptation which is more than just a couple of days. An order for a ship with scrubber considers between two and three years of construction. We also consider LNG as we look into the future as an alternative. We are considering all three options as main strategies.”

Port infrastructure

As for the level of port infrastructure available on the west coast of Latin America, Paulo Biazotti claims that “we are still facing important challenges in this sense, but we notice there is interest among authorities to react. There are ports and terminal operators within Latin America -and considering the limitations of the region- that have interesting levels of productivity.”

On the arrival of global operators, he says that “as a region, we have ports with strong local knowledge and that is interesting for large international groups with great technology that bring their expertise to our region. I look at it in a positive way, not just for us as a shipping line, but also for the logistics flow.”

Finally, the executive doesn’t consider a disadvantage that some of this operators form part of the same holding with some of the most important shipping lines in the world, direct competitors of ONE: “we notice an important impartiality from these operators, we don’t see a specific preference for their shareholdings, there is neutrality,” he concludes.

By MundoMaritimo

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