Many shipping companies have allied in the last few years looking for economies of scale in operations and optimization of trade routes. This trend has changed the playing field for containership liners, as larger and larger conglomerates take control of trade routes and limit competition in key markets.
Such may be the case in the recent rumor that has shocked the containership transport industry: the possible mega-alliance between French liner CMA CGM and China’s COSCO. This unconfirmed news has the future of container alliances currently up in the air as the Ocean 3 alliance is likely to be ripped apart, accoding to a report from container analysts Alphaliner.
Supposedly, CMA CGM is in discussions with the merged Cosco/China Shipping entity to form an alliance that could also include OOCL and Evergreen. The inclusion of the latter demands their departure from the G6 and CKYHE alliances, putting pressure on the remaining carriers K Line, Yang Ming, Hyundai and Hanjin Shipping could seek an alliance with the rump of the G6 next year. “If successful, the initiative would radically alter the current liner shipping landscape and leave the eight remaining carriers of the Ocean 3, CKYHE and G6 alliances in the lurch,” Alphaliner commented in its weekly report.
Owners of the ocean
The mega-alliance would service the east-west trade routes and would challenge the market dominance of the Maersk- MSC 2M alliance, the two largest container carriers, in an attempt from the stronger players to distance themselves from the rest and, at the same time, prevent the 2M partners from becoming totally dominant on some routes, Alphaliner noted.
The “CCEO” (CMA CGM, Cosco, Evergreen and OOCL) would potentially be larger in capacity terms than the 2M, and Alphaliner said the move could leave UASC (O3); Hapag-Lloyd, NYK and MOL (G6); and K Line and Yang Ming (CKYHE) without the necessary partners to enable them to offer a full range of services. Therefore, these carriers would then seem to have little option but to form a new alliance in order to compete.
The 2M alliance operates over 2.1m TEU of capacity on across the three main east-west trades, followed closely by the CKYHE offering of just over 2m TEU, G6’s 1.8m TEU and O3’s 1.5m TEU.
An uncertain future
CMA CGM, which is currently in the midst of aquiring APL, has already stated its intention to pull the carrier out of the G6 alliance once it completes its acquisition from NOL in the second half of this year.
Alphaliner notes the “the potential insolvency of two Korean carriers and any potential restructuring arising from an (enforced) merger could undermine the service networks of the CKYHE and G6.” “Various partnership scenarios are being contemplated and, given the prevailing uncertainties, the carriers are keeping all options open at this stage,” adds the report.
The rumored merger not only raises uncertainty in the shipping industry, but also affects ports and service providers who will have to face a reshuffle of their clientele and current contracts adding or losing vessel calls as a result.
Raising eyebrows
“While the new alliance’s final composition could still change, the driving factor behind the proposed four-carrier ’CCEO’ setup is clear: The motivation is to from a strong and stable alliance that could challenge the 2M’s dominance in the East – West trades and to distance the ’CCEO’ from some of the weaker partners within the current alliances, which could be facing financial distress,” Alphaliner concludes.
If the alliance succeeds it would invite further scrutiny by shipping regulators, as the growth of alliances is frowned upon. Let’s not forget that in 2014 China blocked a planned P3 alliance of Maersk, MSC and CMA CGM, the three largest container lines and as a result CMA CGM then joined China Shipping and UASC in forming the O3.
The shipping liner mega-alliance fever may be the resulting by-product of the overcapacity/low-demand debacle the indutry has been facing for the last five years. As impatient stockholders and investors continue to point fingers at poor management decisions, it is possible that carrier’s high executives are looking at mergers as the only way to climb out of the bottomless pit.
By MundoMaritimo
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