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Top container carrier enters South American market


Top container carrier enters South American market

PIL will operate WCSA weekly service through local agent AJ Broom in Chile
Edition of November 04, 2011

Pacific International Lines (PIL), the Singapore-based shipping line, who has recently entered the South American shipping industry through Chilean agent AJ Broom, offered a welcoming reception for their clients and port service providers.

PIL entered the Chilean containership market in May 2011 operating from the ports of Iquique and San Antonio with a West Coast South America (WCSA) weekly service. According to S.S. Teo, PIL’s managing director and member of the company’s founding family, PIL’s “expectations, so far, have been met, and we hope to do more in the import and export of containers here in Chile”.

“Besides containership, we operate bulk carriers and multipurpose vessels. We hope to bring this other service to Chile, so we are currently in discussions with Broom in this matter. That is why we are very happy that the Broom Group is our agent here and we hope to have a larger business development with them”, underlined S.S. Teo.

For Yvonne Lim, general manager liner division, this was her first time in Chile, and just as S.S. Teo, she noted that PIL is very happy to be working with Broom Group as their agent in Chile.

The company’s liner division high executive stressed that despite that PIL is a newcomer in the Chilean and WCSA market, it has broad experience in Asia as well as in Oceania & South Africa,   were there are similar climate conditions that require handling reefer containers –where PIL has vast experience-, so that may also be another business the company could expand within the WCSA service in the future. PIL is also looking forward into expanding to neighboring markets.

As for the assistant owner’s representative for Latin America, Chile-based Eugene Lim, the most important thing is to point out that PIL has not entered the regional west coast market looking for new customers, but to build partnerships. “We have been in the business for 45 years and have built many long term partnerships with our existing clients”, said Lim. 

Why Chile?

The main reason PIL chose to begin their WCSA services operating from Chile are because of the country’s importance in the local market and the great growth potential the country’s economic and social stability and grand infrastructure offer for future business development.

According to Eugene Lim, owner’s representative, Chile is the center piece of the company’s trade, hence the attraction to center operations from this country.

And big local players, such as San Antonio International Terminal (STI) can support that choice as the port’s managing director, Alberto Bórquez, said that “for STI having reached an agreement with the Wan-Hai, Cosco, Evergreen and PIL consortium has been very important business for the port and we are very proud and thankful they chose us for operating their business”, as now the four containership liners are operating through STI’s services and infrastructure.

STI’s high executive was appreciative that the Asian carriers opted for its service, as it is a show of trust that San Antonio will be the best partner in supporting PIL’s debut in the highly competitive Latin American market.

As for the leading shipper in the country, logistics managing director for Sodilog, Ronald Peake, “from the import point of view, the more carriers, the better, as we have a broader spectrum of companies to choose from to transport our products. However, PIL has been very brave in entering into a new business and a new market in such difficult times for the shipping industry. What we are looking for are long term commercial partners, so we may continue growing, therefore, our most sincere wish is that containership lines do well in their businesses”.

Family spirit, big business

During the reception, S.S. Teo pointed out that this was his “first time in Chile and in South America and I am very impressed with what I’ve seen. People here are very professional and efficient compared to other countries in the region”.

“Because we are a family based company, our family virtues are very strong, and even though in terms of market we might be the newcomers, we have come here to stay”, said owner’s representative Eugene Lim.

Pacific International Lines was founded in 1967. Since then, it has developed from a coastal ship-owner/operator in Singapore to become one of the largest shipowners in Asia and has diversified into logistics related activities such as supply chain management, consolidation/distribution facilities, warehousing, container depot operations, trucking as well as having interest in ship-agencies worldwide, container manufacturing, marine engineering and real estate.

PIL’s family-owned company spirit showed through the warmth with which S.S. Teo welcomed the company’s new clients.

About AJ Broom

This Chilean company was founded in June 1920. It began its business developing through the coast, completing a real active network with a last stage in Colombia, formed 2 years ago. One of the main characteristics that still remain in the company is the familiar structure and environment, something it shares with PIL.

Broom Group offers a central organization with first quality service in WC SA and inland territories such as Bolivia and Argentina.

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