Monday, February 24, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
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October 13, 2021 Cybersecurity and digitalization at the center of TOC Connect #Americas One week to go for the debut of the hybrid event

One of the most positive ‘side effects' of the pandemic has been the digital disruption, that pushed the advances of technology towards uses that were unthought of just a couple of years ago. But with the arrival of digitalization the door to a new type of risk opens up one that is related to the safety of data flowing around in cyberspace, a theme that this year combines with the more ‘traditional’ lines of the content of the TOC conference, focused on the shipping market, projections from the Market Outlook, and the latest trends and technologies in ports.

Digital focus

The focus of 2021 could very well be defined as the culture change from paper towards collaboratively from the public, private, and investigation and innovation point of view with a regional perspective. “The cybersecurity sessions are not meant for ‘the IT person’; but rather cater to the needs of decision-making leaders that have to interiorize the importance and impact of digital technology in the maritime logistics sector. This area will only grow -it is time to learn about it and learn to love it,” says Mateo Wiegold, TOC Events Worldwide conference producer, in exclusive conversation with MundoMritimo, event media partner.

Developed jointly with the International Ports & Harbors Association IAPH, the “Cybersecurity, Risk Management and Business Challenges for Latin America” session brings to the table a vision from management and business development, is a clear example of the importance of digital technologies for the future of the industry.

Wireless connection

The name of the event “TOC Connect” is not coincidental, because the connection is not only real, but necessary and in the digital era of the containerized supply chain, it manages to create a clean, environmentally friendly, efficient, and effective connection between the different actors involved in the supply chain, projecting the much-needed sustainability looking forward. And it’s not just about the Americas market, but it involves the entire globe… for what is the supply chain but a large network that connects the world.

Digitalization and its challenges -from cybersecurity and interconnectivity- is the redefinition of an industry that was built from the need of communicating the ends of the planet for true globalization.

Around the world in 21 days

It will be three weeks of presentations, panels, discussions, and live and online meetings meant for interacting and connecting. The first week starts on Monday October 18 and extends to Friday 22 with focus on the #Americas, to take the leap into the second week that begins on Monday 25 until Friday 29 with contents in a hybrid live and online format from #Europe. The third week is the most innovative, from November 1 to 5, and where the regional exchange will be the highlight, with replays of the most relevant contents from the previous two weeks as well as additional panels exclusively developed to analyze in a retrospective look of the gems of the past, all available by streaming and on-demand.

Speakers in the first person

Among the confirmed speakers there are only experts that know the past and present of the industry by being a part of it. There are executives from the main carrier companies and logistics operators to representatives of the busiest port terminals in the world, as well as analysts and scholars that have spent the past 18 months thinking up projections and predictions adjusting to the new realities the pandemic has caused. Specialists on supply chain, digitalization, international trade, sustainability, energy transition, port development, and infrastructure, and other issues will fill the agenda not only from the content they present but from their experience as key actors within the industry.

Key stakeholders, essential workers, advanced technologies, data in the cloud, global connections, containers traveling the seas with food, medicine, and goods for the entire world… how will life after COVID-19 be? How did the pandemic change our way of living, doing business, and projecting our lives? What better context than the TOC Connect #Americas event for a fresh perspective to these and other questions that together with the pandemic and digitalization have come to change all paradigms.

For more information on premier full-access delegate passes and/or for corporate sponsorship, please contact [email protected]   

By MundoMaritimo

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