Wednesday, March 12, 2025 | ISSN 0719-241X
logo mundo marítimo
March 08, 2021 Consolidation of feminine role models in the maritime-port industry Testimonials of top Latam executives

When Little girls visualize their future selves, they do it by looking at their feminine role models, starting with their own mothers and then extending that projection to the reaches of the influence from other figures they can recognize. Since the sexual liberation that began in the ‘70s throughout the world, women’s expectations as to how far they can dream to conquer: doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects, etc. However, despite that everyday there are more women studying STEM careers, the challenge is now in the occupational fields where there are high access barriers in industries such as mining, transport, construction, etc., traditionally masculine areas, especially in the high-ranking managerial positions in both private companies and public positions. 

Taking down the gender gap is something that has been done step by step, with women that qualify as true ‘pioneers’ in occupying work positions where there was always a man before, when the truth is that -scientifically speaking- there are no intellectual or cognitive differences between genders. The implied concept of ‘intellectual inferiority’ that stains the prejudice against women having excellent labor performance is no more than that, a prejudice, a preconception, an idea installed in the collective imaginary and that nobody bothers to question. In MundoMaritimo we know that these pioneers exist in the maritime, port & transport industry in Latin America. They are high-level executives, with decision power and strategic positions, experts in their fields and who stand out not for their gender, but for their excellent professional quality. We talked with them and recovered their testimonies on being women who make way in a man’s world. 

Breaking ground

Leading the way has its pros and cons. The difficulties are easier to identify: debunking myths, fighting prejudice, showing equal capabilities, striving for equal pay, etc. The points in favor are less visible and are related to the experience of being part of the change within a system that becomes more inclusive, and that is taught and learned through the interaction of everyday working life that women are so much more than the preconceptions allow to see. 

Elvia Bustavino, Panama Maritime Authority Secretary General and ExCo member Red MAMLa and member WISTA Panama knows well that the road travelled is filled with challenges that have nothing to do with academia but rather it is a social and cultural issue. “In order for the maritime and port sector to incorporate more women into managerial positions it is necessary that there be more empathy and solidarity from those women who are now maritime executives, who should support the ones making way for themselves and others and working hard to reach their goals. We not only have to inspire them and mentor them, but support them in their training and professional development, helping them gain visibility and do the impossible to create more spaces for their leadership. Both sectors need more women in high-ranking positions, we are a great workforce promoting competitiveness and integral development in the world.”

One thing is the road travelled and quite another is the goal at the end, and on that front Alexandra Loboda, Managing Director Mexico and Middle America Maersk, has broad experience. “Success is achieved with merit and clear goals, knowing that paradigms are broken by showing there are leadership capabilities without gender bias. Leadership is useful when you share experience and knowledge with high-performance teams, such as the one I have the honor and pride to lead in Mexico and Central America for Maersk.”

The women today that occupy positions that were exclusive to the masculine world in the past have been able to do so thanks to this change that they themselves have been part of, and that builds every day on the possibility to open the gates for future generations of women to enter the traditionally male work positions. “I feel that the world has changed and that today we have women in traditionally male-lead positions. We must provoke the change, be proactive by getting actively involved. My message to younger women is to prepare yourselves, study and take opportunities as they present themselves. You must seize opportunities as they come because they rarely come a second time around. And lastly and most importantly, be passionate about what you do. With passion, love and dedication and with the hand of God we can achieve anything we put our minds to in whichever area we decide to work in,” says Eugenia Benavides, Director Marine Terpel S.A. and board member at IBIA and member WISTA Colombia. 

“Although the participation of women in the maritime and port sector has increased in the past years, we still have a long road to travel in order to consolidate women in senior management positions. Our multiple activities and roles make it difficult for us to move faster towards developing our skills and achieving our goals. That’s why we must work on changing the mentality of new generations so that daily tasks and housework are equally shared by our partners, children and family. Only when we get to live in an environment that brings us security, I am certain that many women will be able to take on the challenges and responsibilities that senior management positions require,” says Alejandra Canales, Senior General Manager Breakbulk Service Ultranav Ltda. And President WISTA Chile

On her part, Claudia Magna, Partner and Commercial Director MundoMaritimo and Vicepresident WISTA Chile director shares the vision and experience of the other executives. “In these 18 years leading by keeping the industry informed, I have seen advances in the gender gap in Latin America in the more operative positions, but not so much in senior management. The visibility of women executives given by international organizations has been an important boost for women who not only want to actively participate, but also for those who desire to lead those changes. I remember when I first began in this industry I was asked if I ‘knew how a ship floats.’ Now they ask for my opinion and how I see the industry’s future, and that is a great step forward.

However, it is not enough to break ground and lead the way. It is no good to build a road no one will travel on. So, for the feminine role models in the industry to consolidate as such it is necessary for others to follow in their footsteps as to achieve an equal inclusion that recognizes success regardless of gender. 

By MundoMaritimo 

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