For the maritime industry, the COVID-19 crisis is a very different one from others, as it is not a ‘shipping crisis’ but a worldwide domino effect that affects all industries across the global supply chain. It’s not just trading routes, blank sailings, and closed ports, it’s less consumer demand, worker shortage, sanitary impositions, and social distancing. In the 2 months since the different countries in the region began mandating quarantine, local exports are still standing strong -fruit, beef, grains, minerals- but imports are declining among the South American markets. “There’s a marked drop in imports. So, we’re trying to restructure our services, maintaining coverage but reducing frequency, because we can’t have a ship full on one way of the route and empty on the way back,” says Lars Oestergaard Nielsen, CEO Maersk LAM, who shared in exclusive with MundoMaritimo his views on the current impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the regional markets.
Adjusting demand
For the regional head of the Danish carrier, adjusting demand is the first issue to attend. “There was a clear initial impact of low demand in the WCSA ports, as the breakout first began in Peru and Ecuador, but now that the virus has spread evenly throughout the region, the ECSA ports -Brazil and Argentina- are also importing less,” says the executive. Most imports are coming from the Far East, which is now resuming economic activity after weeks of confinement, so Maersk, like many other carriers, is blanking sailings from those destinations to South America. Also, the type of goods that are in low demand is electronics, toys, and manufacturing components for the electronics and automotive industries that operate in the region, which are producing less these days.
Of course, Maersk understands that canceling a service is not the way to go in these conditions, as the supply chain needs fluidity now more than ever, so they’re adjusting their services to the same coverage but less frequency. But before the carrier began implementing this strategy, there was a surge in imports in the couple of weeks that overlapped between China resuming production and South America not yet going into quarantine. “Cargo came in just as consumer demand dropped so that lead to having to provide storage solutions for some of the large retail chains. Now bookings from Asia & Europe coming into Latam are aligned with the adjusted demand,” says Nielsen.
Yet, despite the coronavirus outbreak, Q1 20 was better than Q1 19. “We are facing more pressure for Q2 with approximately 20% less volume. The export demand allows us a chance to not have a ‘disaster’ result,” highlights the executive.
Consolidation & alliances
In light of less cargo volume, it’s easy to speculate on further carrier consolidation or alliances. But, as the nature of the crisis is external to the shipping industry, consolidation would not provide a solution to the problem. “When carriers go into consolidation or alliances its usually to correct a financial problem, which is not the case with the COVID-19 crisis. The carriers that are now in the industry are better consolidated in financial performance, so the way to think about it is that it’s probably not as likely to go into consolidation as the time before (2009.) I do see the industry behaving a bit more responsibly in terms of managing capacity and in terms of how you adapt to the situation. I see that the industry is taking a balanced approach to see a better match between supply and demand and should stabilize better than the last time. Consolidation would normally come as a response to financial challenges,” says the regional Maersk head.
As for alliances, the executive believes that the current situation will not have an immediate impact on them. “Alliances are a 5+ year agreement. After the takeover of Hamburg Sud, we became relatively independent in South America and can operate without partners (alliances) in the region.”
It’s a digital world
For Maersk, the social distancing rule has played out the same as for everybody else: working from home. “In Latam, we are operating almost 100% from our homes across the region as if we were in the office. What we have seen is a stronger uptake among the customers of our digital tools, such as Maersk Spot -which works similar to booking an airline ticket by securing a price before the trip- and TradeLens, our joint venture with IBM. So more than creating new platforms, we are investing and promoting the ones we already have. is the place to go to get everything,” says Nielsen.
But the one part that hasn’t been able to go digital is crewing. People are still needed for running the ships and, fortunately, the vessels are large enough for the crew to keep distance inside. It’s seafarer replacement that’s become a logistic hassle due to COVID-19 shutting down airports and closing borders. “We have to thank our seafarers for staying at sea longer than they usually do, away from their home countries and their families,” highlights the executive.
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