Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
logo mundo marítimo
October 16, 2024 WISTA International has established a notable presence in Latin America, 50 years after its inception The gatherings of members at TOC Americas Panama and the AGM in Cyprus were particularly noteworthy

Following 50 years since the establishment of the Women's International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA), its presence in Latin America has grown significantly. The impact of its mission and work for the inclusion of women in the shipping, port and logistics sector has encouraged leading professionals in the region to form their own networks and become part of this outstanding WISTA network.

The recent TOC Americas event held in Panama City was attended by approximately 60 women members of WISTA Latam. These industry gatherings provide an opportunity for women to develop their skills, engage with key industry players and coordinate their meetings with other WISTA members in the region.

The influence of WISTA in Latin America is evident in its member countries, including Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Panama, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, and the recently added Costa Rica and Honduras.

Annual General Meeting in Cyprus.

The global gathering of WISTA International members and the 50th anniversary celebrations took place in Limassol, Cyprus. The event was attended by key figures from the shipping industry, including Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and government representatives from Cyprus.

At the meeting, WISTA International President Elpi Petraki presented the achievements and activities of the Association over the past year. She highlighted new partnerships with Lloyd's Maritime Academy and Ocean Technologies Group and reinforced collaboration with the IMO. Furthermore, three new associations were approved: two in Latin America (Costa Rica and Honduras) and one in Asia (WNA China).

In this context, Elvia Bustavino, President of WISTA Panama, commented, "The growing interest in WISTA in Latin America is a clear indication that women are identifying our Association as a platform to advance their development in the maritime sector." This union reinforces our collective commitment to showcasing female talent and creating opportunities in an industry that still has much progress to make in terms of gender equity. The addition of WISTA associations in Costa Rica and Honduras to the existing ones in the region is a strong testament to this”.

Dafne Anghelidis, a member of WISTA's Executive Committee, noted that “the inaugural regional conference was held in Argentina in 2018, marking the beginning of the establishment of associations in Latin American countries. Currently, there are 14 Spanish-speaking countries and 4 English-speaking countries in the Caribbean with approximately 700 members in the region. She added that equal opportunities for women working in the maritime, port and international trade sector is an increasingly relevant issue. WISTA is committed to achieving this goal, as well as fulfilling the SDGs”.

The next global meeting will be held in Barcelona in 2025, followed by Malaysia with the support of Hong Kong and Singapore in 2026.

Meeting in Panama

A cocktail reception hosted by WISTA Panama during the TOC Americas event in Panama provided an opportunity for attendees to gain insight into the Association's mission and vision.

In a statement regarding the event, Bustavino commented, "The meeting in Panama was an inspiring and extraordinary experience." The collaboration between the various associations in the region showcased the resilience and visionary leadership of WISTA. It was an opportunity to exchange ideas, build capacities, share technical knowledge, strengthen relationships, and reaffirm our commitment to women's leadership in shipping. I would like to extend my gratitude to all WISTA members from Latin America who were present in Panama”.

Mariela Gutarra, President of WISTA Peru, added, "The large turnout for WISTA in Panama offered numerous benefits for WISTA Peru, including networking and collaboration, empowerment and visibility, training and development, promotion of diversity, and innovation and best practices." These benefits reinforce WISTA Peru's presence and impact in the region, promoting a more inclusive and diverse future in the industry”.

Meanwhile, Claudia Magna, a member of WISTA Chile and director of MundoMaritimo, stated, "It was a welcome opportunity for MundoMaritimo that WISTA Panama extended an invitation to all its members to be included in the official photo at our stand at TOC Americas, where numerous members from Latin America also participated." The addition of new members from Costa Rica and Honduras has significantly enhanced WISTA's standing in Latin America. We are confident that with the organisation and leadership present in Latin America, the region will have a stronger presence in WISTA International.

WISTA was represented at TOC Americas 2024 by members from Panama, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, and Uruguay.

By MundoMaritimo

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