Sunday, May 19, 2024 | ISSN 0719-241X
logo mundo marítimo
September 11, 2023 IMO Secretary General-elect: "Of course, we will achieve decarbonization by 2050" Arsenio Domínguez emphasized the value of regional cooperation in designing strategies in this field

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Strategy of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), agreed upon in July of this year at the meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80), provides a precise roadmap for the gradual reduction of GHG emissions associated with international maritime transport. This strategy helps mitigate the adverse effects of climate change and aligns the sector with the Paris Agreement. Moreover, this definition creates a range of investment opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean, given the vast resources available in the region that can facilitate the decarbonization of the maritime industry, a process that offers potential synergies.

Arsenio Domínguez, Director of the Marine Environment Division of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the organization's Secretary-General Elect spoke with MundoMaritimo during the forum "Implementation of IMO's Strategy for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the Identification and Promotion of Investment Opportunities," held in Santiago. He discussed the challenges of this process in the region, stating, "Considering the amount of resources we have and the fact that some of our countries have very low carbon emissions, we can begin to learn, analyze, and better establish strategies for how we can use those resources to benefit national economies. Just as we contribute with decarbonization of the maritime transport, we also cooperate with national economies."

He explained that Chile, for example, with its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050, transports many resources internationally by sea and has strategies for developing renewable energies that will be used nationally and internationally. Therefore, he emphasized the importance of including the maritime sector in these strategies, as maritime transport handles 80% of cargo (91% in the case of Chile), and in doing so, it supports the global community in obtaining daily sustenance, raw materials, and essential goods. He stressed the need for renewable energies to be included in these efforts.

Domínguez noted that decarbonization entails taking rapid measures in maritime transport. "However, many of these measures are beyond the reach of the IMO. We need renewable energies and the introduction of market measures to support the financing of this transition, but other entities, ministries beyond maritime ones such as finance and foreign affairs, are involved in this process." He further stated that the challenge lies in "seeing how the maritime sector rallies behind these actions that we know are necessary to achieve a decarbonized and sustainable transport system by around 2050 to meet the objectives of the 2015 Paris Agreement."

Cooperation among countries

He also highlighted the need for collaboration among the countries in the region when designing these strategies. In this regard, he pointed out that the recent forum in Santiago "is one of the activities that demonstrate that we can carry out such cooperation. National strategies can also include bilateral and multilateral dialogues, using various United Nations agencies, such as ECLAC, or others like OLADE, to engage in conversations focused on identifying the challenges and opportunities to assist each other."

"While each country will focus on its specific needs, we must also encourage, through global-level forums, both within and outside the United Nations, that dialogue takes place. We need to set aside political considerations to focus on technical and diplomatic aspects to find solutions," he added.

Domínguez also appreciated initiatives such as the development of green corridors, which in Chile's case are driven by the government in collaboration with the Maersk Mc-Kinney Möller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping. "Green corridors are not initiatives adopted within the IMO, but they are recognized as projects that will provide more information about the measures needed to achieve and support decarbonization. Green corridors will focus on identifying routes in maritime transport that require renewable energies and new fuels, as well as the optimal modes of operation for vessels based on meteorological analysis. This information will be shared among countries so that we can learn from one another. It will then be presented to the IMO and will assist in the implementation of the 2023 strategy," he concluded.

Will the challenge of decarbonizing the maritime sector be achieved within the agreed time frame?
- "Of course! We will achieve decarbonization by 2050."

By MundoMaritimo

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