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The Annual General Assembly and International Conference of WISTA 2023 marks a milestone after taking place for the first time in Latin America


The Annual General Assembly and International Conference of WISTA 2023 marks a milestone after taking place for the first time in Latin America

Members and guests successfully gathered in Montevideo, Uruguay
Edition of October 31, 2023

During the week of October 23–27, the Annual General Assembly and Conference of WISTA 2023 took place, marking a historic moment as it was the first time in its history, since its establishment in 1974, that it was held in Latin America. The event brought together members and guests in Montevideo, Uruguay, and it focused on the new challenges facing the industry, such as the transition of maritime transport toward a decarbonized and digitized future, both in Latin America and around the world. Representing Latin America were Venezuela, Panama, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay.

Meetings and Assemblies:

On the first day of the event, October 23, the WISTA International Executive Committee gathered to coordinate the topics and projects to be presented at the General Assembly. On the second day, October 24, the presidents of WISTA met in person and online.

Continuing with the schedule, on October 25, the WISTA Annual General Assembly and Conference for WISTA members was held in a hybrid format. During this session, WISTA International President Elpi Petraki highlighted the work done in collaboration with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS). Additionally, on the same day, the establishment of the Ports and Environment Committee was announced. Furthermore, countries with the longest-standing membership in the organization were honored and recognized.

Personality of the Year 2023 Award:

During the assembly, by a vote of all WISTA members, the Personality of the Year Award was presented to Dorothea Ioannou, Chief Executive Officer at Shipowners Claims Bureau, Inc., Managers of The American P&I Club.

New Member Countries:

It was also revealed during the assembly that WISTA now has a presence in 56 countries, with three new additions this year: Jamaica, Estonia, and Paraguay. This has brought the total global membership to 4,356. Carmen Farigale, President of WISTA Paraguay and General Director of Mundo Fluvial, Marítimo, Portuario y Empresarial (MFMPyE), expressed that "WISTA Paraguay seeks to strengthen the role of women in the fluvial-maritime and port industry in Paraguay, the region, and in some way, have that participation and access to the sea."

The WISTA Paraguay Board of Directors includes Soledad Muñoz, First Vice President; Romina León, Second Vice President; Romina Vargas, Secretary; Alicia Santa Cruz, Treasurer; Liliana Leguizamón, First Vocal; and Anahí Martínez, Second Vocal. It's worth noting the presence of nine founding members, including Carmen Farigale, Romina Vargas, Soledad Muñoz, Liliana Leguizamón, Diana Giménez, Cynthia Penayo, Miriam Espínola, Neidi Viveros, and Luz Alcaraz.

Arsenio Domínguez, the current Secretary-General elect of the IMO, also participated in the Assembly and emphasized the importance of WISTA International for the industry and the significance of collaboration between organizations to work based on diversity, gender equity, and inclusion.

WISTA Conference:

On the fourth day, October 26, the WISTA Conference took place, commencing with welcoming remarks from Kitack Lim, Secretary-General of the IMO, Arsenio Domínguez, Elpi Petraki, Alessandra Bugge, President of WISTA Uruguay, and Rear Admiral José Luis Elizondo, Head of the Uruguayan Coast Guard.

The conference consisted of four panels that addressed the role of women in the maritime port and logistics industry, digitization, international trade in the region, and environmental issues related to decarbonization. Prominent organizations such as the IMO and the ICS were among the seminar participants.

The presence of Ricardo Sánchez, Head of the Caribbean Research Institute Jamaica and Co-director of the Kuhne Professional Chair in Logistics at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia; Helio Vicente, Director of the ICS; and Pablo Domínguez, Country Manager of Ocean Network Express (ONE) Uruguay, was also noteworthy.

Networking Activities:

Networking activities took place on October 25 with a reception cocktail at the Zitarrosa Hall, where attendees enjoyed live tango and Bandoneonas group performances. On October 26, 2023, a gala dinner was held for all members and guests at Chacra La Redención. Each attendee brought something symbolizing their country in their attire and enjoyed traditional Uruguayan cuisine and folkloric performances.

Finally, on Friday, October 27, the last activity consisted of three workshops: "Doing Business in Latin America from Theory to Action," "Tools for Self-Improvement: Belbin Team Roles," and "Stress Management and Coping with Everyday Business Challenges."

By MundoMaritimo.

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